Natural & Organic Pest Control Methods For Your Landscape

Getting a great landscape around your home or office is fun and rewarding! Getting it to stay alive without being infested with pest on the other hand is a little harder sometimes.

Nothing is more rewarding than planting some new flowers in the garden. When your getting your landscape ready for the summer you want to make sure you have weed protection down in the form of mulch or some type of weed prevention cloth or both. With this you wont need to pour chemicals onto the garden just to keep weeds out. The mulch prevents most weeds from growing and others from sticking well. This means they are easy to pull when you do find a few of the strays that made it through the mulch.

With that said if you are having a problem with pest in your flower garden it is always a good thing to use cedar mulch in your garden to help prevent a few types of bugs. Cedar is slightly poisonous to insects which is why we cover our closets to prevent moths from eating the cotton clothes.

Now cedar mulch will not prevent all types of pest in your flower garden, so we will go over a few other techniques to get your garden bug free without spraying tons of chemicals. Getting to the point where you will not have and pest in your garden will be hard but if you stay on top of them they will be few and far between

When you are out watering by hand watch for bugs on the leaves and on the stem when you see them knock them off with the water hose. This is very effective because almost all of the bugs you knock off of the plant will not be able to get back onto another plant. The plant is the bugs whole life if it is removed then it will have a high chance of not making it.

The next thing to do is make sure when you get your plants into the ground leave plenty of space between them this will help keep insects and disease from spreading plant to plant, when they touch. Keeping plants separated enough will also increase air flow between the plants. The air flow in important in humid areas to keep fungus and mildew from thriving on your plants.

Another option that is more and more viable is to get some beneficial insects and put them into the garden. So they have tons of beneficial insects for your garden if your in need of a certain type of insect to be removed from the garden then find out what type of beneficial insect will help with that job. For aphids Lady Bugs are sold in large quantities. When you are dealing with other animals you can easily check online to find the correct beneficial insect to control the pest insect.

When all else fails and as a last resort you can mix up some garlic powder and chili powder and some water in a pump sprayer to help remove determined insects from the plants. Remember if they are in large quantities then spray them off of the plant, as many as you can, with the water hose which will help the effectiveness of the garlic/chili powder spray. With more insects in your garden then you will want to make sure you are on top of fertilizing your plants because you are giving them food but the insects are taking it away from them like humans giving blood they need something to replace it with.

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